Acupuncture is based on the idea that the organs and functions of the body are linked to a point on the skin. The action on this point, which can be mechanical, by needle or massage, chemical or electrical, is followed by a regulation of the corresponding painful function or organ.
The projection of an organic suffering on a skin point is also found in classical medicine. The painful points of appendicitis, cholecystitis, etc. are well known. Ancient Chinese medicine finds such correlations for all organs and functions of the body.
By measuring the electrical parameters of the acupuncture point, it was discovered that a point on the skin correlated with a diseased organ has a lower electrical resistivity than the surrounding areas and a higher electrical potential. The action on this point leads to the restoration of the electrical parameters corresponding to the physiological parameters, a phenomenon that occurs in parallel with the restoration of the state of health of the body.
Acupuncture does not completely replace drug therapy but complements or extends it if necessary. It can be used to restore certain dysregulated functions that influence the body’s response to disease.
The most frequently reported pathologies for which acupuncture has shown therapeutic effects are the following:
- Headache
- Cervicobrachial Syndrome
- Sciatica
- Back pain
- Knee pain
- Dental neuralgia
- Allergic rhinitis
- Acute and chronic pharyngitis
- Esophageal spasms
- Acute and chronic gastritis
- Peptic ulcer
- Bacillary dysentery
- Dysmenorrhoea
Another category of patients who can benefit from acupuncture are those who are active, hard working, stressed, overworked, and tired and who suffer from anxiety and depression.
Similarly, for people whose physiological state is adapted to exertion – elite athletes, divers, mountain climbers, astronauts, people working in energetically demanding conditions – acupuncture can help improve performance, recover quickly from injury, or fully recover from the exertion required by competition or work demands.
But healthy people who want to feel better can also use acupuncture for this purpose. There are acupuncture therapies for harmonization and beautification used mainly by women (figure acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture).
Is acupuncture right for you?
The latest research indicates that this traditional Chinese healing method is worth trying for chronic pain.
For chronic muscle and joint pain – back pain and arthritis are among the most common conditions in men – the standard approach usually includes anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, appropriate exercise or stretching and rest. But when standard treatments fail, acupuncture is an increasingly attractive option. Men with chronic pain may find acupuncture the solution that conventional medicine does not offer.
How does it work?
procedure is painless if performed by an experienced practitioner. The insertion of needles is intended to correct imbalances in the flow of energy in the body, called qi (pronounced « chee »).
Acupuncture has the effect of regulating neurotransmitters, hormone levels or the body’s immune system.
Science has tested acupuncture for many ailments, including chronic pain. The results were inconclusive. But recent studies prove that acupuncture does relieve common forms of pain.
Who can acupuncture help?
Many people who turn to acupuncture have already tried conventional options. Many acupuncture patients have undergone medical treatments, injections and other procedures, and if they are not getting any benefit from them, they seek an alternative treatment.
But if you are experiencing new pain, acupuncture should not always be your first step. We urge patients to get a clear diagnosis of the exact cause of their pain in order to rule out serious conditions that need to be properly treated and only then turn to alternative therapies.
For example, back pain can be caused by a muscle injury or a herniated disc. In the initial and most painful phase, these sources of pain often respond well to acupuncture. Even if the pain is due to a mechanical problem, such as a narrowing of the spinal canal or osteoarthritis in a joint, acupuncture can relieve the painful symptoms, even if it does not eliminate the cause of the pain.
Is acupuncture safe?
Injuries caused by acupuncture are rare. There are fewer risks if acupuncture is performed by an experienced acupuncturist. Rarely reported risks are infection from the needles or contact with the acupuncturist’s hands.
How often should I get acupuncture?
We recommend that first-time acupuncturists schedule weekly sessions until they begin to feel the benefits, then gradually increase the time between sessions. Many people opt for monthly treatments.
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